Susan Cervantes Headshot

Art Location

Latinx Student Cultural Center map

Latinx Student Cultural Center
104 Forsyth St.
Boston, MA 02115

Precita Eyes Muralists

We Are All Streams Leading to the Same River 
Sept. 25–Oct. 12, 2016

An  artist  and muralist  of  57 years, Susan  Kelk  Cervantes  is the founder of  Precita  Eyes  Muralists in San Francisco, one of  the few  community  mural  arts centers in the country. Through Precita Eyes, she has developed an inclusive process for community-directed mural making.

When  Cervantes  and artists from  Precita  Eyes  came to Northeastern  for a two-week residency, they collaborated with more than 100 students and community members to design and paint a mural on three sides of the  Latinx Student Cultural Center  on Forsyth Street.

“We see it as a gift.  It’s not ours; it belongs to the people here.”  

—Susan Kelk  Cervantes, on the mural she created at Northeastern  

Cervantes  grew up in Dallas before moving to San Francisco as a teenager to continue her art education. Her work  includes more than 400 murals, as well as studio paintings,  mosaics, painted ceramic tiles, and bronze relief.
